Finding ideas is easier than you think

Think about problems that you are facing yourself and try to find a solution for them

Finding solutions to problems is the cornerstone of progress, and it can start with looking inside ourselves. We all have unique skills, experiences, and challenges that shape our daily lives. By taking the time to recognize and reflect on them, we can make significant advances toward finding solutions that benefit everyone. For example, if you are an aspiring entrepreneur trying to come up with an idea for a startup business, you can use your existing knowledge or connections to find creative ideas.

Finding solutions to personal challenges like this can not only be fulfilling but also help improve people’s lives in tangible ways. Even small solutions can have major impacts when put into practice – so think about what challenges you face yourself and try to find solutions for them. You never know where it might take you!

And remember, there are 8 billion people on earth! Someone, exactly like you sitting somewhere in the world and facing the same set of problems. If you solve it for yourself you can also solve it for thousands or millions of other people!

Stop consuming unconsciously.

To find ideas you need to know some information to start with. Especially if you are looking at a specific industry or problem. Read books, articles, and blog posts on the topic. Know what other people have tried and failed or succeeded in achieving.

But don't confuse this with absorbing unnecessary content from TikTok or Instagram. You need to be conscious at all times!

That's how I came up with – a loyalty solution for small business owners. I have looked at my friends who have small retail shops and talked to coffee owners. They all tried to launch a loyalty program – but it is just hard! So I made it simple. With Hachly you can set up a loyalty program in 1 click. How I found this idea? Just by talking to people and reading forums on topic.

Attend networking events and meetups

You can find brilliant ideas by just talking to other people. They are telling you the problems they are facing for free!  There are so many events and meetups you can attend. Don’t be shy – go and introduce yourself to new people, and talk with people about the challenges that they are facing. Don't try to sell something, be a good listener.

Join an entrepreneur group or club

It's hard to make something alone without support from someone like you. You are the sum of 5 people you are talking to. That's why it is important to be talking to the right people. Meet like-minded people who are building and providing value

Andrew Tate said – “If you want to be a millionaire, hang out with millionaires!”

And he is right. People tend to become like those with whom they spend their time. So try to join clubs, online meetups, or virtual events related to the topics you are interested in.

This will help you find new ways of looking at life and finding solutions.


  1. Solve problems you are facing yourself
  2. Stop consuming TikTok, Instagram, and other bullshit social media without consciously understanding what you are doing and why
  3. Talk to people and listen. Listen carefully. Look for problems they are facing
  4. Find others like you. Don't be alone. Join an entrepreneur group or closed community You are the sum of 5 people you are talking to!

First step

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